在传统的唇裂修复术中, II度或III度等较重的唇裂畸形修复效果满意度较高, 而对于I度裂或隐裂, 由于术中须行鼻畸形矫正和门轮匝肌功能重建, 常规要行自鼻底至红唇的皮肤切口。在术后皮肤瘢痕较明显, 而且由于瘢痕的挛缩, 常导致患侧唇峰上移, 修复效果满意度较低。因此临床上I度裂或隐裂的修复一直是较为棘手的问题Ⅲ。为此我们设计了口内入路功能性唇裂及鼻畸形修复的术式, 术中一次性行口轮匝肌功能性重建、人中嵴成形和鼻翼畸形纠正, 临床应用30例, 取得较好效果。翻译公司
While traditional cheilorrhaphy can treat relatively serious (degree II or III) cheiloschisis with a relatively satisfactory repair effect; however, for degree I cheiloschisis or recessive cleft lip, a conventional incision cutting from floorofnose to vermilion border must be adopted due to it is necessary for nasal deformity corrective surgery and functionally reconstructing orbicularis oris muscle during operation. This incision will cause obvious postoperative skin scar and scar contracture will commonly leads to the peak of affected lip to move upward and thus a dissatisfied repair effect follows. Therefore, the clinical treatment of degree I cheiloschisis or recessive cleft lip has always been a difficult issue. For this reason, we designed intraoral-path functional cheiloschisis and nasal deformity surgical repair methods which can realize the functional reconstruction of orbicularis oris muscle, philtrum ridge plasty and nosewing deformity correction at a time. We have clinically treated 30 cases of patients with these surgical methods and obtained better effects.
1.1临床资料: 本组共30例(男19例, 女儿例), 年龄3个月~14岁, 平均5岁3个月。30例患者会部为单侧裂, 左侧23例, 右侧7例: 其中唇隐裂22例, I度唇裂8例: 均为初次接受手术, 且不伴有腭裂和齿槽嵴裂。所有病例均存在红唇凹陷切迹, 朱缘弓错位不齐, 患侧人中低平, 皮肤条索状凹陷, 鼻底三角形塌陷和患侧鼻翼轻度外展。上海翻译公司
1. Materials and methods
1.1 Clinical data:
This group included 30 cases of patients (male 19 and female 11 respectively), aged 3 months to 14, average age was 5 years and 3 months. Among all 30 cases of patients with unilateral cleft lip above, left and right cleft lip were 23 and 7 cases respectively, including 22 cases of recessive cleft lip and 8 cases of degree I harelip; all the patients have not treated with surgery before and did not accompanied by cleft palate and alveolar ridge cleft. In addition, all the patients had different deformities such as vermilion border depression incisura, malposed and irregular Cupid’s bow, low-lying affected philtrum, cord-like skin depression, triangular collapse at nasal base and slightly abduced affected nosewing etc.
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