中心座落在北京市长虹桥畔, 毗邻农业部农药登记行政审批大厅, 地理位置优越, 能为您来北京的商务活动提供全力的支持。目前全中心工作人员70%以上具有农药、植保专业硕士研究生学历。我们一直不断的研究农药专业技术和产品登记注册技术, 一直坚持以服务好每一个客户的每一件工作作为至高无上的标准。
Located at the side of Changhong Bridge of Beijing, the center is adjacent to the Pesticide Registration Administrative Hall of the Ministry of Agriculture so the location is superior and it can fully support your commercial activities in Beijing. At present, above 70% of staff of the center possess master degree of specialties of pesticide and botanical protection. We always research professional technologies of pesticide and product registration skills, and always insist on our supreme standard of well service each task of each customer.
中心围绕农药行业为核心, 竭尽全力的不断提高服务能力与水平, 始终围绕农药行业做好以下五个方面的服务:
Taking the pesticide industry as core, the center spares no effort to constantly promote service ability and level and always well perform service of following five aspects by focusing on the pesticide industry.
■ 全面、细致、高效的农药产品的登记注册服务(国内企业农药注册, 国外企业在中国注册农药)。
■ Comprehensive, meticulous and efficient pesticide product registration service (pesticide registration for domestic enterprises, registration of pesticide in China for foreign enterprises).
■ 方便、快捷的农药进出口证明、自由销售证明及非农药证明办理服务。
■ Service of conveniently and fast handle pesticide import and export certificate, free sales certificate and non-pesticide certificate.
■ 权威的农药产品国外登记资料编写及查询服务翻译公司。
■ Service of authoritatively compile and search of pesticide product overseas registration material.
■ 优质农药原药与制剂产品的进出口服务。
■ Qualified import and export service of pesticide technical materials and preparation products.
■ 提供专业的农药应用技术及产品登记技术培训服务。西班牙语翻译
■ Service of providing professional pesticide applied technologies and product registration skills training.